Enabling Derivation of Realtime Business Insights


Synching of User Behavioral Transactions to Snowflake warehouse. Used ELT tool data extraction and aggregation into a data mart.

Power BI is used for intuitive dashboards showing trends, insights and stats helped the core team to act on the feedback derived out of user activity tracking, institute accreditation, and improving Learner’s experience and retention.


Utilizing 3 Small size Warehouses and
1 Medium size Snowflake Warehouses


5 TB of data is synced
to Snowflake


Mid-Sized Azure VMs used to perform transformations once the data is synced

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Enterprise Data Warehouse & Self Service BI helped the customer to quickly get the data insights

Delivered Self-service BI Model using Power BI, and ETL powered by SSIS which helped businesses to quickly collate the data from heterogeneous sources and curate that data on the fly to build stunning visualization. With inbuilt features like Quick insights and Ask A Questions user needs a bit of technical assistant to explore the data. Power BI report gives a detailed analysis of Advisor performance and productivity to help the business determine the areas of improvement and boost efficiency.

SSIS helped businesses to get data from silos of data and store it into a data warehouse as the single version of the truth.


SSIS ETL tool helped Business to harness
the hidden insights from Silos of Data


Reduced  Market Visualization time as Power BI allowed to skip the tedious  Data Warehousing Cycle


Avoided manual efforts and reduced
IT dependency


Enterprise Level Data Warehouse And Reporting

The customer had multiple applications to support their day to day operational tasks. They had unique solutions for unique problems. No single version of the truth was available to get a holistic view of organizational health. Also, the licensing cost of multiple tool stacks was only adding problems to their existing ones.

The Deployment of Enterprise level Data warehouse on top of Azure DW using Azure Data Factory helps them to streamline the scattered data pipeline which was much easier to manage, OLAP model was deployed on DW for faster performance and real-time Data Analytics.

Reports developed in Power BI was quick and with advanced slicing and dicing feature helped the business to explore the data in no time. Power BI also allowed run-time Data connection from excel to Visualize correlation between external Data


40 million records per year,
12+ Data Sources


Single Dashboard to view
organization health


50 % Reduction in Manual efforts and
40 % Reduction in Licensing cost